Friday 28 June 2013

inspire to experience other cultures (even if it is a little scary)

hey guys!

so from my last blog post you will know that i was away in France. I became really ill when i was there and it was a really strange and new going to the doctors over there. so basically what happened is i had incredibly sore stomach pains i was screaming and crying and it basically looked as if i was giving birth. (at least thats what my friends say)

so instead of taking me to the hospital which is where i probably would of gone if i was at home they took me back to the camp so i could have a little rest. This clearly was not working as, as soon as i lay down i was screaming in pain so they rushed me off to the doctors.

When i got there i was expecting there to be this sorta GP kinda thing and thought they'd be annoyed as we didn't have an appointment. from the outside it basically looked like a little house. I went through the doors into a minuscule waiting room. It fit a few chairs and a small table of magazines. Basically what happened was the doctor opened the door to see who was next and thankfully some french lady let me go in first which was very kind of her so thank you french lady.

The actual doctors room was a bit more lie an office. One bit had a bed type thing and the other had a desk and lots of books. It was as if i had stepped in a time machine. It was very confusing but the doctor could speak some English and i spoke some french so it work out ok but overall it was a very odd experience.

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