Tuesday 30 July 2013

inspire to have the perfect summer colour (L'oreal color riche nail polishes)

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Hey guys!

I recently picked up two L'oreal color Riche nail polishes. My friend had raved and raved abut them to me and I just wasn't too keen as I wanted to stick to my no 7. and Essie polishes. However when I saw Wasabi hint I was immediately drawn to it. It is just the perfect green colour.

What I like:

  • The colours are gorgeous. I find that Perle De Jade is very similar to Essie mint candy apple. Although I think it's a tad greener. My friend has Dating coral and I think it looks almost exactly alike to Essie cute as a button. I picked up Wasabi hint which was just amazing. It was a mixture of a neon and a pastel and just such a lovely shade of green. 

  •  Its a great consistency. The nice creamy texture you want in a nail polish. It was really easy to apply and had a great brush. 
  • It has a built in top coat to help the polish last longer. I find it worked quite well and gave my nails a glossy finish.It last around 3 or 5 days with out chipping. 
this is after 4 days wear without a top coat

What I didn't like:
  • The bottles are very small, I know it is not often that I go through a bottle of nail polish but I do prefer it to be in larger bottles. I know this is a mini collection but there wasn't even any labelling on the bottle to tell me. 
Will I buy more?

Yes! I will definitely go in and have a look at the rest of their colour range next time I am in boots. As I am always so tempted to add something to my collection every time I'm in a shop.

What are your favourite colours for summer?

Monday 22 July 2013

inspire to have healthy hair ( Tresmme platinum strength review)

After reading all the rave reviews for the Tresmme Platinum strength range I thought I better try it out and I have to say it is definitely worth the hype!

The ends of my hair have been bleached so they are very brittle and have lots of split ends.

There is also a mask in this range that I really want to try out.

Why I love it:

  • It claims to repair 2 years of damage in 5 washes. I don't completely agree with this but I defiantly think it repairs a lot of damage. Like I said the ends of my hair are very damaged but after using this I have seen a great improvement to the  condition of my hair. 
  • It lathers up really well. 
  • There is 500ml in each bottle which I think is great value for money. (they cost £4.99 from boots.)

*this post contains pictures that are not mine.

Sunday 14 July 2013

Inspire to make your showers smell amazing (original source review)

I have fallen in love with the original source shower gels. Almost every time I'm in a boots I feel obliged to buy one.  

They have a huge range of scents. They smell amazzzzing and they lather up quite nicely. 

smells soooo good

The ingredients they use are all natural. They use either pure and natural essential oils or extracts. They're a fairtrade company which makes them extra cool. They're also teamed up with the vegan society. Which is a charity that promotes a lifestyle that avoids all exploitation of animals. 

They are very cheap, I think you can pick them up for £1 in Asda. I've also tried the scrub, which isn't as great as the shower gel. It's sort of a thicker version with some scrubby bits put in it but I do love the scent so I will continue to use it. Original source also have hand soap, a men's range, hair care and a bath range. 

*the picture is not mine 

Thursday 11 July 2013

My first OPI experience

I have to say I was disappointed by my first OPI polish.  Which was mermaids tears, which is part of the pirates of the Caribbean range. The formulation was just really bad. It was really streaky, took a lot of coats to apply and was chipping the next day! I was given this but I found it on amazon here for £11.75. Which I personally think is not worth the price. However I do love the colour. I would describe it as a sort of murky greeny blue. I'm really disappointed as I was expecting a lot better from OPI and this was such a lovely colour but a bad formulation.

Any suggestions for any good OPI nail polishes I should try?
*again not my picture still got no camera :(  

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Inspire to be productive

School is over and the holidays are finally here! Cue whooping. I decided that instead of sitting here on the Internet all day. Like I may or may not have done yesterday I would get up and actually get some stuff done. 

I'm going to be doing a whole load of productive things this summer. I'm going to be watching a movie every second day. I know it's not productive but it gives me something to do. I'm painting my room. It's going to be mint! :D I'm babysitting my little brother 3 days a week and as soon as my camera arrives, that i was supposed to get a month ago. I will be taking daily snaps of what I'm doing.  This was inspired by sprinkle of glitters 30 day photo challenge. 

What are your plans for the holidays?

Monday 8 July 2013

June favourites!!!

So the summer holidays are arriving and its time for a well deserved break. It also means its time for my monthly favourites!

Lets start with skincare. I have been loving tea tree and witch hazel peel off face masks. I used one when i got back from my school trip and its just really good at getting the gunk out of your skin. I have also been loving the st Ives apricot scrub. I use it in my daily morning routine and find its great for brightening my skin.

boots and superdrug both have their own versions

My next category is is nail polish and for me it is Essie, as cute as a button. I won't ramble on too much about it as I did a blog post on it not so long ago so you can cheek that out here.

Next is food. So my dad was in America this month and he brought back some Lucky charms! Which makes him my new favourite person. I love Lucky charms too bits. I don't like any other cereal but lucky charms. So they must be pretty darn good and my favourite drink has been Robinsons apple and blackcurrant squash.

yum yum!

For music it has to be passenger let her go. I have absolutely loved this song. I have raved about it to almost everybody I know. It is the cutest song ever! And of course if I'm going to mention the cutest song I'm going to have to mention the cutest music video. Which is everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. This video has made my day so many times I just love it!

For my birthday I was very lucky and received a bottle of versace bright crystal. This is my all time favourite perfume and I just love it so so so much. It is quite a young, sweet scent.

My favourite experience was the dance show I did for contemporary. I'm so excited for next term as I will be doing six dance classes. I also loved going to see the woman in black with my school this month. There was only a cast of two men. (not including the woman in black) The set was so simple yet incredibly effective. It was just a brilliant play and i would have to say it was scarier than the book and the film.

And that is everything I've been loving this month.
*sadly my phone is duffed up and won't put photos on my laptop so until my camera arrives these photos are not mine  

Tuesday 2 July 2013

inspire to be as cute as a button


 I've been obsessed with nail polishes recently. So i have been adding a new polish to my collection every time i have been into town lately. Which surprisingly hasn't been that often. (I think i'm in need of some retail therapy) 

So far the nail polish I have loved the most has been Essie as cute as a button. The application is simple, the brush is great and it only needs a couple of coats. I find that it didn't chip very easily and lasted around 4 days. Very impressive!

I love the colour! It really is as cute as a button. This colour is perfect for summer and is definitely my go to nail polish at the moment. 

You can grab it for £7.99 from Superdrug.